Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rain Dance

There have actually been three rain storms and one caused enough flooding that school was cancelled.  We were fortunate enough to only have two leaks and some seepage from windows.  Both leaks are unfixable according to maintenance and I was told, "In Shallah, it won't rain again."  The window leaks did get fixed with some nice thick calk so we should be good there.  

The weather since our return has been fabulous.You do not really need a jacket but pants and short or long sleeves is comfortable.  It is actually too cool to swim but we have been spending more time than usual outdoors and can even enjoy our backyard more because the sprinklers do not come on as often.  Casey bought the cutest red grill and made yummy steaks.  The charcoal here is actually real carbonized pieces of wood.  Very different from the briquets we use in Texas.

The girls watched a Curious George episode where George makes a tree for a pigeon and this inspired them to make their own tree for the birds.  The rain unfortunately destroyed the tree but luckily no one had their feelings hurt.  The fun part was making the tree anyways.  In the picture you will see Marcella pointing to a plastic container filled with dried grass, dryer lint, and such for the birds to use when making their nests.  We will put bright ribbons and felt in later so that we can look for signs in the real trees of bird nests made using our scraps.

Our zinnias greeted us with sweet little blooms.  You will see in the picture what I mean by "little."  For some reason the plants did not get too big.  We brought back a lot of Texas seeds and will be purchasing some better quality soil for these.  It was a nice surprise to see the blooms.